Monday, March 21, 2011

Uh-oh, da apples?

The other day Savannah learned the word "apple".  When I sliced a banana for her snack today, she wasn't sure what to think about it.  I left her eating them to go feed baby Emry in the adjoining room on the couch.  As I'm feeding her, I hear Savannah attempt to say "banana" but not really succeeding at all.  Then I heard "Uh-oh, da apples?"  which of course means she dropped them all over the floor.  It was just cute how she decided to call them apples.  

In the car on the way home I handed her a toy camera that sings.  As we pulled out of the drive way I heard a little "help please, help please".  I turned around and realized her camera was turned off and asked her to hand it to me.  She did and as soon as I took it from her she said "thank you!" and gave me the biggest smile.  It melted me.  She's been saying thank you for cookies and cheese for the last week or so, but this was her first genuine, out of the blue one.  it was adorable.  And I'm so proud that she's gone from screaming when she wants help to being my little polite girl.  And it's nice for a mom to hear thank you every once in a while...  Makes it all worth it :).

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