Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ABCs, phrases, a bunny with a jacket, and two frustrated parents

Savannah sings!  Last week she started singing the alphabet song!  She misses some letters, but she's got the gist of it.  She can recognize all her uppercase letters and she loves to pick them out of sentences.  It's very cute.  She can also count to 10 (even though she usually skips 5 for some reason...) and recognizes her numbers one through 9 (she thinks a ten is a 1 and an O.  Which it is I suppose).  I think she may be bored in preschool...  She's starting to recognize some colors.  Mostly just orange because she knows we have an orange car and I think it's such a distinctive color that's it's easier to grasp what it is.  She knows oranges and basketballs are orange too.

She's starting to speak in phrases a lot.  She says "Hi!  How are you?"  If we say "Good, how are you?" she usually says "good".  If she decides she looks nice she'll say, "Oh Savannah, you are so pretty!".  She loves playing with Emry (the little girl I nanny for) and refers to her as her best friend.  When we say prayers and say "Thank you for..." she usually fills in "Emry!"  She loves Jesus and reads our book with pictures of him all the time.  She says please, thank you, and you're welcome pretty regularly.

Our family has a fourth member.  It's a tan build-a-bear bunny with glittery shamrocks on her ears.  Bunny is Savannah's favorite EVER.  We can't go anywhere without bunny.  Savannah shares her candy with bunny.  She also has this cute striped jacket that she LOVES.  She insisted on wearing it 24/7.  And then I thought of a clever solution.  At bed time, meal time, when it's hot out (which is super rare at this point), and bath time bunny wears the jacket.  Bunny is so beloved that this is an acceptable compromise.  Sometimes I'm jealous of bunny.  She never gets mad at bunny or scratches bunny's face.  She kisses bunny all the time and never wants her space from bunny.  When she's saddest, bunny's the one she wants to comfort her.  Bunny's got it made :).

The past few days, she has been SO CRANKY!  We're not sure what's going on.  Teething maybe?  All I know is she asks for things in a whiny voice and then when we give them to her she throws them and she just cries and cries.  We love her and try to be patient.  I'm sure this will pass, but I had to vent, just a little.

Savannah will be 18-months-old on Thursday!  I can't believe how time flies!

Les Mis!!!

Jessie and I went and saw Les Mis on Saturday.  It was so amazing!!!  Valjean was fantastic and so was Eponine.  Every character was very talented.  The power behind their voices and the live music allowed me to experience the play in a way I never have before.  It was really quite thrilling.  I cried a lot.  The barricade scene was SO fantastic.  And Javert's suicide was really awesome too.  Gavroche's death was heartbreaking.  I loved all the little touches the actors added to their characters.  They seemed so real.  And it changed my life perspective, at least for a few minutes.  I gave money to a guy on the street corner who needed money for a wheelchair.  It seemed pointless to watch a 3 hour play about poor people struggling and not do something small about it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


A couple of weeks ago we started saying prayers right before Savannah goes to bed.  It's adorable how much she loves it!  When it's time to pray she always says "Daddy's turn!" and she goes over to kneel in the spot we always pray in.  While we pray she kneels and folds her arms on and off and she kind of squints part of the time. She always smiles and she loves saying "Amen ".  If you ask her what we're doing she says "Payer" and if you ask her who we're talking to she says "Jesus".  Sometimes she just starts praying to herself.  It goes like this "Heav Father, tanks day, Jesus, Amen!".  It's so fun :).  I'm excited for her to go to nursery!