Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back in Utah!

In December we moved back to Utah! It's been really nice. Right now we're actually house sitting for Corey's grandparents in Bountiful while they stay in their house in St. George which has been a good way to save a little money.

Corey is doing well at his job in Park City. It's a long drive, but he is is close to getting a good bonus and he will probably be getting a promotion soon.

I'm working as a nanny for a 7-month-old baby. Her name is Emry. She's adorable and very sweet. I get to bring Savannah along to work with me which is awesome. She's slowly learning to share and be nice. Sometimes she goes over to Emry and pinches her and says, "Ouch! No no". So, we've been discovering the joys of time out together... She's getting better at being nice though. She goes over to Emry and gives her kisses and hugs, pats her head, gives her toys, and says "nice".

Savannah is growing so much! Well, at least she's getting smarter :). She's still tiny. She's barely 20 pounds which means she can finally be forward facing in her car seat! We have her 15 month check up today and I'm excited to hear what the doctor has to say about her. She says SO many words. When we counted about a month ago she said 50, but she says way more now. She learns new words every few days. It's so much fun. And she LOVES to read. She sits for 10 minute periods (sometimes longer) "reading" out loud to herself every day. She gets really into it and it's hilarious. She learned to walk on 2/13 and has gotten to the point where she walks probably 85% of the time. She loves walking and is so proud of herself.

Last week we made an offer on a house! It's beautiful and big enough to fit us forever. It's in West Jordan and it's a really good deal. It has 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It's a short sale so it might take a while to find out if we got it, but it's definitely worth the wait. We're so excited!

So, that's us in a nutshell.  I"ll try to get better about posting things as they actually happen, but no guarantees... :P

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