Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Going to the Doctor

Yesterday was Savannah's 15 month check up.  Not so much fun.  She has gained 1.5 pounds and grown 1/2 an inch since her last appointment 2 months ago.  She is in the 3rd percentile for height and weight and the 79th for head size!  I don't think her head looks disproportionately huge or anything though.  She's getting way too smart for her own good though.  She was terrified of being weighed and having her head measured.  We got her to calm down for the stethoscope but once the doctor started to shine the light on her she freaked out.  And of course shots were no fun.  It's very sad to hear "No No No No!" and have to hold her down...  I'm not sure what's worse actually, having a sweet little newborn who doesn't know what's coming and then cries and breaks your heart, or a toddler who's terrified and begs you to make it stop and you don't...  Oh, and the Dr. had this theory.  Since she was 11 months, whenever Savannah has wanted something, she has said "Na".  Like "Na cookie please".  The doctor thinks that she says that as a shortened version of her name.  I'm not sure if that's the case, but if it is I think that's hilarious that we've had no idea!

In other news, I sang at the Relief Society birthday party last night.  I messed up at the end, but it was okay.  Savannah learned where her heart is and the words "splashing", "egg" and "apple".

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