Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Best Friends

One day after we'd been married about 7 months, I asked, "Corey, can we get a pet hamster?" He said, "No." I said, "What if we name it Goomba?" Well, with his newfound obsession with the little mushroom type things on Mario, he couldn't help but smile and say, "Fine."

So, a few nights later, I ventured to the pet store to get a new furry friend. There were two female teddy bear hamsters in stock and they were both simply adorable. I was with the Petco employee trying to decide which one to get when I said something like, "They're both so cute! Too bad they can't live together." The over eager employee assured me that they could in fact live together, so I happily bought both of them and we named the second one Yoshi.

So, we lived in bliss with our new little friends. They slept together, ate together, and ran on their ball together. Then, one night a few weeks later, Corey noticed that Yoshi was trying to kill Goomba. So it turns out that pet store lady was wrong and that every single web site about hamsters was right... I was so sad and was trying to decide which of our little friends to get rid of when Corey had a great suggestion. He suggested we just keep both of them and buy a new cage. So we did.

They really are very cute. Goomba loves food and periodically stuffs her cheeks until they look like they're about to burst. Yoshi chews on the bars of her cage non stop and has developed a bald spot on her nose because of it. They have both become very friendly. We love them :).

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