Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happily Ever After, a History; Part 1: First Date

Once upon a time in the far off land of Spanish Fork, there dwelt a semi-fair maiden. Let's call her Allison. One day, Allison and her partner in crime Cathryn decided that it would be a great idea to venture to BYU to be educated for the week (or the day...). While at that fine institution of learning, Allison decided to show Cathryn her new place of employment (the Cougareat/Grab & Go). When the lovely girls walked into the establishment, one of the cashiers caught Allison's eye. He was incredibly handsome. When Allison purchased her frozen strawberry lemonade, she made sure to be in his line. When she paid for her oblations, her heart skipped a beat when she looked into the beautiful blue eyes of this cashier. As she and Cathryn walked away, Allison said, "I sure hope I get to work with that guy later because he's my future husband; so, it would be nice if we got to know each other first." Allison was, of course, joking. She was far too practical to believe in anything as silly as love at first sight.

A few hours later, Allison was delighted when she got to work because standing heroically at his register was the object of her recent affection. She got to work cashiering right away because it was a busy time of the day, but she was incredibly aware of the attractive man standing merely inches behind her. When things slowed down, the employees turned around and started to chat. The young man turned to Allison and said, "Hi, I'm Corey. It's nice to meet you." Allison was of course nervous, but she suavely answered, "I'm Allie, it's nice to meet you too." With an introduction like this, how could they not be meant for each other?

The rest of the shift was spent with a ridiculous amount of smiling and laughing from both parties. Neither of them had ever felt quite so happy. Allison couldn't stop singing to herself and smiling. Even the customers noticed and they left her money in the penny cups... The 5 employees used the money from the "extra pennies" cups and bought BYU brownies. Corey slyly suggested that it would be silly for just him to take a break to eat them, so Allison breathlessly joined him and they got to know each other a little better. They discovered that they were about to move in to the same complex! This was very exciting for both of them although they acted nonchalant. The day ended with hidden high hopes of seeing one another the next day and the two went their different ways. Corey was so elated from his day that he texted his dad a message about meeting his wife that day...

The next day Allison actually did her gorgeous, waist-length hair for once, wore a cute outfit, and put on make-up in the hope of seeing Corey again. She was lucky; he was there again. The two had another great day. Through the help of a friend, Corey got up the courage to say to Allison, "So, this is crazy, but I'm thinking of seeing a movie after work tonight..." He got off at 11:30. Allison, being the infatuated night owl she was, agreed immediately. Corey felt bad that she would have nothing to do for two hours while she waited for him to get off, but she assured him that a library full of books was more than enough to keep her occupied. Little did she know that the library was closed and she would be forced to stare at the wall for two hours. She sat on the uncomfortable couch in the Wilk, getting more and more nervous by the second, waiting for her destiny.

At approximately 11:30, Corey called Allison and they walked together to his car. They drove to the movie theater and in the car Corey played Jimmy Eat World's Futures c.d. It was his favorite and she was pleased to find out she liked it. She even knew one of the songs! Too bad it was only because she and her sisters had mocked it endlessly on their karaoke game.

The couple arrived at the theater and Corey asked if Allison wanted popcorn. If anyone knows Corey well, they should realize that this was a Big Deal. He must have really wanted to impress. Anyway, the couple proceeded into the theater to watch X-Men 3 which both of them had seen and enjoyed before. They talked through the entire movie. This is ironic because normally both of them hate talking in movies. About halfway through the movie, Allison was very pleased to feel Corey's hand on her's. It was a bold move on his part, but not unappreciated. When the movie ended, Allison started to get up, but Corey just sat there. So, she did too. They talked until the movie theater employees asked them to leave. Corey drove Allison to her car. They talked some more, hugged, and said goodbye, with a promise to try to see each other when Corey moved to Provo the next Tuesday. Allison immediately called Cathryn (who was awake, even though it was 3:30 a.m.) and told her all about it. The world's greatest love story had begun.


Melissa said...

Hehehe... That is all. :)

Cathryn said...

...and then Cathryn and Allison spent an hour wandering around campus in their pajamas. Oh, dear. :)