Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Yard!

When we moved in, our yard was BAD.  It hadn't been taken care of for a long time.  So, we're in the process of fixing it.  It's going to be a few years before our grass is super nice, but we're working on it!  We also want to grow a vegetable garden and we've planted some flowers and trees.  It's an uphill battle because our soil is absurdly rocky, it's clay, and we live in Utah.  But, we're determined to make it work.  Pictures!

Last year's yard

Classy, huh?

Our yard last Saturday

All the stuff we bought.  I thought that our budget of $300 was huge, but apparently it's not anything at all!  We went over that and will go even more over when we buy stuff for our vegetable garden in a few weeks...

Ugly gravel pathway we dragged our garbage cans through

This will be the vegetable garden, but we have to wait until after Mother's Day to make sure our plants don't freeze.

Our little gardener :)

Saturday after a long day of work!  

I actually took these today because it was dark then, but you get the idea :)

This is a Japanese cherry tree (pink flowers in spring)

A different Japanese cherry tree (more pink flowers!)

I planted a bunch of lilies and gladiolas here.  I hope they grow!

The great big shrub is new

That leafy shrub is new 

There will be more bulbs planted in that corner as soon as I get up the energy (kneeling bent over like that for a long time gives me braxton hicks contractions.  Lame!)

We had to beautify the play set too :)

Yay for a pretty path!  Corey measured wrong in his head and we need two more bricks, but we love the way it looks!  We were worried Savannah would be sad because she LOVED playing with the gravel that used to be there, but when she saw it she said, "Oh wow! Lots of beautiful rocks! I will walk on them!"  We were pleasantly surprised :)

So, that's our yard!  It's still a work in progress, but we're pretty excited about it :).  We definitely want to put more flowers in, but we'll see what our budget allows this year...  Oh, and Corey rocks for working his tail off doing most of this stuff (I planted the flowers...), our neighbors rock for letting us use their pointed shovel (we really need one) and giving us their extra mulch, and Bruce rocks for letting us use his tiller and truck.

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