Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cloth Diapers?!?

I've been thinking of doing cloth diapers for a long time.  I think I first started considering it when we lived in Gillette when Savannah was like 6 months old.  But, we didn't have a washer or dryer (apartment) so it seemed like it wasn't a good idea.  I kept thinking about it on and off, but there was so many different kinds that I would get overwhelmed and just give up on it.  But, then we got our house and our nice washer and dryer.  And then, I realized I will probably have two in diapers because Savannah refuses to potty train (when I try, she sits and yells, "I will not go in the potty!  I don't want to wear panties! I want my diaper!!!" That's started to get a little better; the past week she's shown a little interest, but I'm certainly not planning on her being trained by the time Lily gets here.  Then my friend Charlene started and she got me all excited so I decided to give them a try!  I was mostly doing them because I felt like I should, not because I wanted to.  But, now that we've started, I'll never go back!

We're using Alva pocket diapers.  So far I only have ones that fit from 12-35 pounds, but I have some newborn ones on the way.  It's not as hard as I thought it would be.  We have a diaper sprayer for the poop which makes it a lot less gross.  It's mostly just extra laundry.  The best part is, Savannah LOVES them!  She loves her soft diapers and she loves picking out which one she'll wear next.  I love that we're not wasting anything and that we won't be spending tons on diapers every month.  Even Corey really likes them.  Plus, they're so dang cute!

1 comment:

cgmrb said...

Oh my goodness, cutest girly stash ever :)