Thursday, April 7, 2011

Walks and horses

This week it was finally warm enough to go outside!  Savannah LOVES going for walks.  We give her free reign of the sidewalk and she goes all over.  She's pretty good about not going in the street.  When she gets close, she stops and tells herself "no no no".  Very cute.  In Farmington where I work there are horses very nearby.  So, on Tuesday, I put Emry in the stroller and the three of us walked to go see the horses.  Savannah loved them.  She just kept saying "horse horse neigh!".  But, to get to them we had to go down a very steep hill and getting back up it pushing a stroller and holding Savannah who was struggling to get back to the horses (she wanted to crawl under the fence...) was not fun.  I was not planning on doing this again.  But, Savannah is too smart for that.  Yesterday she walked up to me after lunch and said "Walk, walk, Emry, horse, horse, neigh, please?"  How could I say no to that?  So, we went back.  Looks like we've started a tradition.  I can't wait to take her to Wheeler Farm!

Savannah has finally made an attempt at her own name.  She calls herself "Vannahs".

In other news, I think I want to count how many words she can say.  Feel free to skip to the end of the list for the grand total :).

  1. Mommy
  2. Daddy
  3. Savannah
  4. Emry
  5. Abby
  6. Jessie
  7. Grandma
  8. Buzz (Buzz Lightyear)
  9. Woody
  10. Minion (from Despicable Me, her favorite movie)
  11. Elmo
  12. Bubbles
  13. Water
  14. Juice
  15. Milk
  16. Book
  17. Story
  18. Read
  19. Eat
  20. More
  21. All done
  22. All gone
  23. Please
  24. Thank you
  25. Night night
  26. Hi
  27. Hello
  28. Bye bye
  29. Phone
  30. Geez
  31. Bear
  32. Rawr
  33. Ducky
  34. Quack
  35. Cow
  36. Moo
  37. Kitty
  38. Meow
  39. Doggy
  40. Ruff
  41. Big
  42. Ayum (elephant sound, what she calls elephants)
  43. Girraffe
  44. Monkey
  45. Horse
  46. Neigh
  47. Piggy
  48. Lamb
  49. Hop (what she calls bunnies)
  50. Cookie
  51. Cracker 
  52. Cheese
  53. Pie
  54. Bread
  55. Mac cheese
  56. The End
  57. Princess
  58. Show
  59. ABC's
  60. Popcorn
  61. Pattycake
  62. Ronald (book character)
  63. Dragon
  64. Cave
  65. Hike
  66. Boat
  67. Train
  68. Choo Choo
  69. Cars
  70. Vroom Vroom
  71. Truck
  72. Tree
  73. Grass
  74. Mountain
  75. Mail
  76. Bird
  77. Fish
  78. Teacher
  79. Eyes
  80. Nose 
  81. Mouth 
  82. Teeth
  83. Cheeks
  84. Hair
  85. Toes
  86. Arm 
  87. Leg
  88. Pretty
  89. Nice
  90. Hug 
  91. Kiss
  92. Chair
  93. Walk
  94. Uh oh
  95. Oh no
  96. Bite
  97. Yes
  98. Oh no
  99. Hat
  100. Pants
  101. Shirt
  102. Shoes 
  103. Socks
  104. Dress
  105. Toys
  106. Eeyore
  107. Blocks
  108. Ball
  109. Go
  110. Flower
  111. Ice
  112. Apple
  113. Blanky
  114. Binky
  115. Rock
  116. Rhino
  117. BYU
  118. Humpty Dumpty
  119. Go Dog Go
  120. One
  121. Two 
  122. Three
  123. Ten
  124. Count
  125. A
  126. B
  127. C
  128. D
  129. E
  130. F
  131. G
  132. H
  133. I
  134. K
  135. L
  136. P
  137. Q
  138. R
  139. S
  140. T
  141. U
  142. V
  143. X
  144. Y
  145. Z
  146. Whee
  147. Fun
  148. Pop
  149. Brain
  150. Heart
  151. Uckies
  152. Door
  153. House
  154. Temple
  155. Jesus
  156. Turtle
  157. Baby
  158. Down
  159. Keys
  160. Girl
  161. Boy
  162. I love you
  163. Owie
  164. Ouch
  165. Hey
  166. Eggs
  167. Cheerios
  168. Bug
  169. Help please
  170. Jacket
  171. Stars
  172. Dance
  173. Spoon
So, that's all I can think of for right now.  There are probably a few more.  I only counted the letters she recognizes in sign language so there are only 20 so far, but I bet she'll get the rest soon.  I'm so proud of her!


Unknown said...

Very cute! Smart girl! I may have to come see for myself during the break.

Allison said...

Do it! Except we don't know where we'll be living. Just call me first :).

skymiles said...

Wow! Coming from an SLP who works in early intervention 100+ words at 16 months is awesome! Is she saying them all on her own or are some of them in imitation? Is she combining 2 and 3 word phrases? Recognizing the alphabet is incredible. You must be one amazing mommy.

Allison said...

Skylee, she probably says like 300+ words now and most are on her own (some are just her filling in the blanks when I read familiar stories and sign familiar songs. I really doubt she knows what eternity means...) And she completely knows her entire uppercase alphabet. she even sings it. And thanks for the compliment about my parenting, but I more feel like a mommy who tries really hard and I'm mostly just privileged to get a remarkable daughter. But what mom doesn't feel that way, right? :)