I tried everything under the sun to get labor started naturally: labor cookies, castor oil, accupressure, a pedicure, etc. But, nothing was happening. I woke up on Sunday with a terrible cold and almost considered postponing my Monday induction, but decided against it. So, Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. we checked into the hospital. We filled out paperwork and got settled. Around 7:30, they got my i.v. in (which only took one poke, unlike with Savannah where my arms were black and blue from wrist to elbow) an started the pitocin. After a while, I started having some pretty painless contractions. But, I don't like pain, so I asked to get my epidural a.s.a.p. So, I got the epidural and Dr. Hansen came in and broke my water. Lily started having heart decelerations with each contraction so they gave me an oxygen mask to wear and I had to keep switching what side I was laying on. I dilated fairly quickly and by 12 I was ready to push.
I pushed in sets of 3 for 3 contractions and then the nurse said to stop because she could see hair. Within a few minutes, Dr. Hansen was there and he had me push and her head came out. I pushed again and the rest of her came out. She was super bloody and there was a huge gush of blood afterward. The placenta came out right away in shreds. The cord was limp and white with no blood left in it. The placenta had become detached at the end of labor. Lily had about 2 minutes of circulation left in her. It was a miracle that she came when she did. They had to suction a bunch of blood out of her stomach, but she was perfectly fine. A lot of the time, babies who have that happen don't make it or have serious blood loss problems. It's a huge blessing that she was perfectly fine and we're extremely grateful that Heavenly Father was watching out for her.
We came home on Wednesday and we're doing great! At this point, Lily is sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night which is awesome. I don't know if it will last, but I won't complain while it does!