Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's been a while...

We FINALLY have reliable internet.  So, I can blog again!  Right now I would say our huge main focus is getting ready for baby Lily.  We need to get her a dresser and a new car seat.  We're also trying to emotionally prepare to have two kids.  Our one kid has been SUCH a handful lately.  Just ask anyone who's been in our house around bedtime :).  I'm super excited though!  She kicks like crazy now and I love it!  The one thing I don't love is the fact that she's taken up my entire abdomen.  My ribs are already starting to hurt at the end of the day...  I am super excited to have another sweet baby girl to cuddle though.

I've also started cloth diapering.  I've decided to do pocket diapers.  We got 4 from and so far Savannah and I both really love them.  I've ordered a bunch more and they should be here soon (I insisted on free shipping from China so it takes a while...)  We also have a bunch of newborn ones on the way.  I'm pretty excited about those ones.  It will save us a ton of money!

Anyway, that's about it.  I'll actually write on this from now on though.  

1 comment:

skymiles said...

Congrats on expecting a new baby girl! I am excited to be able to read more about your family. Hooray for internet!