Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our First Apartment

Our first apartment was quite the adventure. It was a little basement apartment east of campus in the tree streets. It had pipes sticking out all over the place, wood panelling, and an infestation of huge spiders. The owner's dog would bark at us every time he saw us. The bedroom was carpeted to the extreme. Really. The floor, walls, and ceiling were all carpeted and the ceiling had some really odd stains. The kitchen floor had a huge drain in it. It also didn't have an oven or a stove. It wasn't really what you'd call a kitchen. It was always cold in the winter and the upstairs neighbors were often incredibly noisy. Now, this sounds like it would be miserable, and maybe for some people it would be, but we kind of liked it. It was cheap, close to campus, and we were just so happy to be together that we didn't care what our surroundings looked like. Plus, I'd been sharing an apartment and a single bathroom with five other girls for a year, so the amount of space I suddenly had was wonderful. When we look back at that apartment, we do so with fondness, but I don't think we'll be moving back in anytime soon... :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, but why not? ;)